I am inquisitive by nature and always more curious than judgmental. I have forever been a writer, and research of any kind has consistently been a joy for me. Furthermore, autobiography is my favorite genre; I am genuinely interested in how people choose to live their lives. I had not realized it then, (I do not know if the term was even used at the time), but Carl Jung had agreed to work with a ghostwriter.
As they do, my plans changed. Instead of pursuing a writing career after college graduation, I married my high school sweetheart. He supported us while I earned my Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at Indiana University; then I supported us while he earned his law degree. Five years later, he was killed instantly in a head-on collision with a state snowplow on Christmas Eve, leaving our young family behind.
It is astonishing how much can result from something that happens in a matter of seconds. The most painful experience in my life gave it new meaning, and with that came the return of my original aspiration. I became a memoirist committed to helping others preserve their life stories.
I love what I do. That is my satisfaction in being a ghostwriter. I don't mind not receiving the credit; the credit for the story belongs to the storyteller.

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